Homemade Glamour: Morning Buzz Body Scrub...

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

I always see these articles in beauty magazine about at home beauty treatments "Right out of your kitchen!"...So I thought I would try "Right out of your kitchen!!" Morning Buzz Body Scrub I found this recipe in Publix's Greenwise Magazine...

1/4 cup buttermilk
2 tablespoons of honey
1 tablespoon grape seed oil( I used olive oil)
1 egg white
1/4 cup freshly ground coffee
2 tablespoons of wheat germ

mix it together, makes two treatments...


I made the scrub the night before. It was freezing cold but the scrubbing grains of coffee made a delightful treat. I loved it!! I making another batch tonight for in the morning. I didn't have the after smell of coffee on my skin like I thought I would either. I was able to put on what ever lotion I wanted. My skin felt amazing too. But the downfall is...a messy shower/tub. Get ready to clean like a housekeeper. It creates a mess.
